What stood out to me was the way they kept dragging things out to make it seem as if there was some big revelation to come at the end of the program. It was if they were trying to keep people on the edge of their seat. Stephen Left even told them to hold off going to the bathroom lest they miss out on what was coming.
In the end, they pretty much said " yes, isn't it exciting? This is it but it doesn't necessarily mean anything right now". The audience seemed to be quite ready to giggle at the most feeble attempts at silly humor on the part of the G.B. even though they were talking about something that was of earth wide significance to mankind.
I thought it was odd when David Splane began speaking to the audience, he started off by saying that he was there to cheer them up after all the bad news they had heard in the previous talks. I thought the nearness of "The End" was supposed to be good news because it meant that the end of wickedness and mankind suffering was at hand. After all, isn't going from door to door supposed to be about delivering the Good News of Gods Kingdom to the world.
The whole thing was further evidence to me that these folks have become even more out of touch with reality than they were when I was attending 10 years ago.